Walk Slowly

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Photos from Fort Cochin India

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_18

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_18


If a picture is really worth a thousand words why do all these photo sharing websites have description fields? I prefer to do my writing on my own domain. Because I'm long-winded I guess. If your interested the piece that's mean to accompany the photos in this set is entitled Vasco de Gama Exhumed.

Canon PowerShot S45

1/160 sec at f/2.8, ISO

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_19

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_19


Canon PowerShot S45

1/500 sec at f/2.8, ISO

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_20

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_20


If you browse through enough of my photos you'll notice that I seem to be fascinated with repeating patterns. I actually never realized that myself until I had all the images on here and started looking at them in succession. I dunno. I like to photograph patterns, no idea why.

Canon PowerShot S45

1/500 sec at f/2.8, ISO

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_01

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_01


Downtown Fort Cochin for my hostel window.

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India_Fort Cochin_11_05_02

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_02


The first thing that really stood out as the jet lag was still wearing off, was the sheer amount of cable and wire running through Indian towns.

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India_Fort Cochin_11_05_03

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_03


Fishing nets of Chinese design, which seem impossibly complicated. Apparently they are some sort of cantilevered device which require four or five people to operate. If you'd like to learn more, have look at the accompanying travelogue entry: Vasco de Gama Exhumed.

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India_Fort Cochin_11_05_06

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_06


My first glass of Kingfisher in India. Shortly followed by another.

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India_Fort Cochin_11_05_07

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_07


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India_Fort Cochin_11_05_09

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_09


Things you don't normally see together.

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India_Fort Cochin_11_05_12

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_12


Wherever I go I seem to find myself in a graveyard at some point. And I don't even like goth music.

sec at f/, ISO

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_14

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_14


If you dislike birds (this means you Nancy), don't ever go to India. These crow things are aggressive and obnoxious. But I actually grew quite fond of them eventually.

sec at f/, ISO

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_15

India_Fort Cochin_11_05_15


The Portuguese have been here.

sec at f/, ISO