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The other side of the hill is nearly limitless desert all the way to Jaisalmer.
The entrance to the Monsoon Palace. Very few westerners seem to come up here. I met an American couple, but that was about it. If you'd like to read more, check out The Monsoon Palace.
The gateway to what I believe was the the bedroom area. If you're the reading type you might have a go at my writings about the The Monsoon Palace.
The back side of the palace. For more info see the accompanying blog post on my site, entitled The Monsoon Palace.
Sunset is the best time to head up to the Monsoon Palace. For more info check out the blog entry, The Monsoon Palace
The light in this particular room was remarkable, these images don't really do it justice. You might enjoy reading through The Monsoon Palace.
A great restaurant on the other side of the lake. Be sure to check out the writing: The Monsoon Palace