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Big Corn Harbor
MapThe harbor on Big Corn Island where you catch the panga to Little Corn. The boats are timed with the flights so it isn't hard to skip Big Corn, which has some nice beaches, but felt decidedly less friendly.
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The harbor on Big Corn Island where you catch the panga to Little Corn. The boats are timed with the flights so it isn't hard to skip Big Corn, which has some nice beaches, but felt decidedly less friendly.
We got very very lucky and managed to score a room at Carlito's Sunrise Paradise, which is probably the best place on the island.
A few cabins, a few shaded tables and a main seating area. Basic, but more than enough. The clouds would roll through every so often but it never rained for more than five minutes and it was never overcast for more than ten.
With a couple of excptions -- the rocky areas at each of the island and the harbor on the other side -- this is basically what Little Corn looks like.
Looking north, up toward where the good snorkeling was, or so I hear, since I was never able to motivate and try out that end of the island.
This is what Little Corn looked like 90% of the time, never mind the cloudy images I posted.
I just couldn't be bothered to snorkel this time out. Kenso, Melissa and I did swim out the reef right in front of Carlito's place, but there wasn't much to see. Still everyone who went on the trips raved about them.
There are no motorized vehicles on Little Corn (and no electricity), getting around means walking through the maze of jungle paths
A curious fruit that apparently is quite expensive at your local hippie grocery store (used for Vim and Vigor, so I'm told)/
Where our Canadian and French friends went one day to play the locals. They came back covered ing blood and with a probably broken finger here and there, but claimed to have won both games.
I spent a fair amount of time studying this sign... If you look closely you'll notice that the couples friends are... themselves repeated in slightly different poses. So either you drink Victoria and you see more of yourself (true, I can vouch for it) or you drink Victoria and you end up with no friends.
These kids and their coach came around looking for donations one day so I gave them a few dollars. Little League would have been way more fun if it had involved long boat rides before every game.
On the Corn Islands you can say things like "Can I get a coke and machette?" and you'll get what you asked for. We discovered the day before that if you rinse coconut meat in the ocean (because, for instance, you dropped in in the sand) it gives it a very nice salty savory flavor.
We were staying on the eastern shore and this was the only time we made it over to the west side to catch the sunset.
The west side of the island is where you arrive by boat and where the main village area is located.
Corrinne has a fascination with sea glass (glass that's been polished smooth by years in the ocean) and she got Caroline and Dan looking for it too.
Ali, Caroline, Amy, Sasha's Mom, Sasha and Corrinne just before most of us (except Ali, he lives there, and Sasha's mom, she's building a house on Little Corn) got on the boat to go home. I hate goodbyes.