Dodge Travco, Pawnee Grasslands photographed by luxagraf
Pawnee National Grassland, Colorado, United States

Pawnee Grassland

Developing a photograph from the Colorado grasslands

Colorado conjures images of mountains and pine forests, but that’s actually only the Rocky Mountains. Most of the state is grassland and plains, wide open country with huge skies, dramatic storms, and nowhere to hide from them. It can be exciting.

Most of it is farmland, but there are a few National Grasslands that have been set aside to preserve things as they were about 100 years ago. We camped here in the Pawnee Grasslands for about a week. I wrote about it in a post called, appropriately, Grassland, which also has some more images if you want to see some of the storms. But I like the simplicity of this one, it captures how very small even a 26ft RV feels out here.

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In developing this all I really wanted to do was up the contrast a bit and correct the color balance, which was tending toward the green side with all that grass.